3 Creative Ways to Repurpose Your Garage This Spring
Finding new ways to update your home can feel like a challenge. Your garage is an often-overlooked area that can be used for far more than storing your vehicle, sports equipment or household items. Here are three creative garage renovation ideas that will beautify your home, expand your living space and increase your home's resale value.
1. Earn Income by Turning Your Garage into an Airbnb
If you live near a major city or attraction, you may have an opportunity to rent out your living space to travelers. Look no further than your garage for the perfect place to welcome guests. The first step to making this upgrade is to create a design plan for your space. You’ll need to make sure the garage has heat and electricity, as well as interior comforts such as furniture and an entertainment system. This is also an opportunity to include plumbing to offer a small bathroom in the garage if you would prefer to not share your home with guests.
In addition to renting, if you have plans to sell your house, making both cosmetic and practical updates are a good investment. As you continue making home improvements to the interior, don’t forget to consider external renovations also. You may want to consider upgrading to an insulated garage door as your first exterior upgrade. This is a home design idea that adds value to your home and is a must if you are planning on converting your garage into a livable space.
Be sure to weigh the costs between making current home improvements and the expected cost of your next home. Securing a mortgage preapproval is a great way to solidify what your budget for a new home could be. Replacing your garage door is an incredible upgrade, with a return on investment of over 93%, according to the 2021 Cost vs. Value Report by Remodeling Magazine. This means that replacing the garage will almost completely pay for itself when it is time to sell, in addition to the benefit of making your home look more attractive to buyers or renters. Maximizing the livable space in your home is a great investment, whether you plan to recoup the costs through renting, or decide to sell your home.
2. Convert Your Garage into a Home Fitness Studio
Overhead Door™ Modern Aluminum garage doors were chosen for this home gym for their contemporary elegance with sleek lines and maximum light infiltration.
In our busy lives and schedules, it can be difficult to find time to exercise. Additionally, with restrictions making going out more difficult over the past few years, many people have fallen out of the habit of going to the gym. Turning your garage into a home gym is a great way to improve your health and fitness, all from the comfort of your home. You also have the benefit of being able to customize the space, including only the machines and equipment you enjoy working out with. Having a home gym at your disposal also takes away the annoyance of dealing with others while working out. There is nothing more frustrating than paying each month for a gym membership, only to find the equipment or machines you came to use are already occupied.
If you’re spending a lot of time in your garage once it has been converted, safety would be the top priority for your garage and the entrance. Though we often think of garage doors as protecting and securing property, having a faulty garage door can be harmful to your personal safety, especially if one is surrounded by gym equipment. Choosing a weather-resistant steel garage door creates a safer environment when using your garage for recreation. Plus, safety is key to enjoying and making the most of your recreational space.
3. Transform Your Garage into a Working Space
It can be hard to find a sanctuary for yourself amid the chaos of home life. Turning your garage into an office space or studio may be the perfect solution to finding a sanctuary respite for work, art, or DIY projects. One of the main advantages of using a garage for these purposes is that it is distinctly separate from the rest of your home, limiting potential distractions. Additionally, if you plan to use the garage as an art or DIY studio, you have enough space to work on these projects without worrying about materials damaging your interior flooring or furniture.
Using your garage as a working space, you may decide on a garage door with larger window features that allow more natural light into your work area to prevent it from having a cave-like or enclosed feel. Letting in natural light can reduce your dependence on internal lighting, making the overall renovation less intensive, yet more energy efficient. Try using our garage door designer app to conveniently customize the design of your new garage doors. You can use this tool to match your design to the overall aesthetic of your home and to add functional elements that will help you elevate your space to its fullest potential.
Upgrading your home for creativity, productivity, fitness or financial purposes can start with your garage. Part of this is making sure your garage door is beautiful, functional and safe. By using one of these three creative ways to repurpose your garage, you will have a successful and rewarding home improvement project. Contact an Overhead Door™ distributor near you to get started.